Ā Ā Ā šŸ‘Bless the Corporate BloggersĀ Ā Ā 

Blogging isnā€™t an obscure term anymore. Many a web-addict has turned into a blogger by choice and some, by default. Blogging is now turning out to be no less than a fashion statement. Discussing oneā€™s blog over coffee might be like discussing the weather or the latest Hollywood flick. But lest you imagine that this one is about how blogs help one in society, this article is about how blogs can help in an organizational context. Read on if you want to explore what for, and how, blogs can be used by organizations.

Organizations worldwide are venturing into knowledge management (KM) practices and systems to know what they know, to network their employees, to leverage on expertise and knowledge across the company, to brainstorm and collaborate seamlessly, to innovate, to improve efficiency & productivity, and to learn faster among other things. KM systems make use of applications like repositories, expert locators, virtual workspaces, communities of practices, project/team dashboards, project and best practice databases, et al. A common thread that runs across all these is the effort to get people and their varied opinion/thoughts/ideas/experiences together. Following are some of the very basic thoughts on how actually corporate Blogging helps.

Blogging is very popular among the Internet pundits but is yet to probably find its right-of-way into the organizational lexicon and/or KM/HR/IT processes. Whether it will have a similar or better impact within organizations is a million dollar question. More of these positives and negatives will perhaps be realized and understood better only the hard way - when Blogging is piloted or maybe implemented in a big way.